
Archive for the ‘Fluoride’ Category

Reuters: Another Study Links Fluoride to Bone Cancer

Blood fluoride levels werFLUORIDE-WATER-FOUTAIN-REDEUXe significantly higher in patients with osteosarcoma than in control groups, according to research published in Biological Trace Element Research (April 2009).  Osteosarcoma, a rare bone cancer, occurs mostly in children and young adults.

Randhu and colleagues measured serum fluoride levels in three equal groups of age-matched and sex-matched patients. Group one had osteosarcoma, group two had non-osteosarcoma bone tumors, and group three had musculo-skeletal pain.(1)

“Mean serum fluoride concentration was found to be significantly higher in patients with osteosarcoma as compared to the other two groups,” writes Randhu’s team. “(T)his report proves a link between raised fluoride levels in serum and osteosarcoma,” they write.

This reinforces a 2006 published Harvard study by Bassin showing a link between water fluoridation and osteosarcoma in young boys.(2)

A 1992 New Jersey Department of Health study shows osteosarcoma rates higher among young males in fluoridated vs. unfluoridated regions of New Jersey.(3)

More studies link fluoride to bone and other cancers but are downplayed or ignored by government officials.(4)(5)

Bone defects similar to bone cancer were detected in fluoridated Newburgh, NY children as early as 1955. Newburgh is home of the first human health fluoridation experiment begun in 1945.

According to Christopher Bryson in The Fluoride Deception, “A radiologist, Dr. John Caffey of Columbia University, called the defects ’striking’ in their ’similarity’ to bone cancer… and seen more than twice as frequently among boys in Newburgh as among boys in nonfluoridated Kingston [the control city].”(6)

In 2006, the prestigious National Research Council review of fluoride/fluoridation toxicology found a fluoride/bone cancer link plausible.

“If governments truly want to save money, stopping fluoridation is a no-brainer.  It would save money, preserve health and teeth,” says attorney Paul Beeber, President, New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation.

In 2005, 11 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) employee unions, representing over 7000 environmental and public health professionals called for a moratorium on fluoridation programs across the country and asked EPA management to recognize fluoride as posing a serious risk of causing cancer in people.(7)

In addition, over 2,430 professionals urge the U.S. Congress to stop fluoridation until Congressional hearings are conducted, citing scientific evidence that fluoridation, long promoted to fight tooth decay, is ineffective
and has serious health risks

Categories: Fluoride